We took a trip down to Pensacola Beach with the Chase family (Adam, Alli, and Madelyn). We decided to be brave and drive the 12 hours to get there. Overall it was not too bad. Jackson is not much of a car sleeper so he was up for a lot of the trip. Our ride home took about 16 hours total and he slept for a grand total of 30 minutes the whole time!! Most of the time he was pretty content to watch his movies, we only had a few crabby outbursts. Madelyn on the other hand, is a great car sleeper and slept most of the way there and back. Here is a picture of the kids all buckled in and ready to go to Florida-they were saying "yeah Florida!!" even though they had no idea what Florida was :)

I love this next picture of the kids, Jackson looks like Mr. Cool and Madelyn is so adorable.

Adam set up massages for Alli and I so we got to have a relaxing afternoon to ourselves to be pampered-it was lovely. This was about the only day we were dressed in real clothes, with our hair done, so we thought we should get a picture.

Our two little beach bums ready to go!

Jackson spent all of his time in the pool climbing up the side and then jumping in to Mommy or Daddy's arms. (this got a little tricky when he tried to jump to Mommy in the six foot section!)

Jackson called Adam "the Adam Daddy" and Alli became the "Alli Mommy", or sometimes the "Adam Mommy". He also started calling me "my Colbi Mommy". For some reason when asked what his Daddy's name is, he will tell you-Michael Zapock. We have no idea where it came from, but he is still saying it over a week later. He is going to get me into trouble! Madelyn loved being around Matt, but she called him "Mac". Matt had to leave a few days earlier than us because he started a new job. The next couple of days, Madelyn walked around the condo looking for her Mac.
Swimming with the Adam Daddy.

Floating with the Alli Mommy in the pool outside of our condo tower. They did not stay in the rafts for long. Jackson wanted to jump, and Madelyn likes to run!

Ready for another day at the beach.

Adam started burying all the buckets, because he got tired of running back and forth to fill them up. The kids thought that they were great to sit in.

Mommy and Jackson in the ocean. Jackson was a little intimidated by the big waves at first. He liked to be in them if someone was holding him. After a while he got braver and we stood and jumped over the big waves.

They also had a lot of fun playing and rolling around in the sand. We made some sandcastles, which Jackson of course had to knock down immediately. The sand on Pensacola Beach is so white, it is amazing, it almost looks like snow. It is also VERY sticky! We started going to the beach and then stopping in the pool on our way back just to try to get the sand off.
(Those are the condos that we stayed in behind them) Thank you very much to the Chases for letting us use their condo-we had so much fun!!!

Jackson and Madelyn got along so well the whole trip. As soon as one of them would wake up, they would be asking for the other. They ate all of their snacks together and played with their toys together. Here they are in their jammies watching a little Noggin before bed.

Thank you so much to the Chase family for inviting us, we had so much fun. Hopefully we can make it an annual trip. Though next time, maybe we should fly :) I can't wait to see Jackson and Madelyn grow up together!!