We had a wonderful Jig's dinner over at Mimi and
Papu's house on Sunday. Jackson had a lot of fun playing with them after we ate. He even found Mimi's hidden circus train and dragged it out, insisting Mimi play with him.

Thanks for the great evening!
Saturday night we had a wonderful dinner at a tapas
restaurant in town called Pocco Piatti. Uncle Joe's parents, Bob and Bev were in town so we all went out. The food was fabulous and Jackson was an angel the whole time we were there!

Jackson ended the meal with a big bowl of ice cream which he ended up eating all be himself. I think that Keycoo planned on sharing it with him, but he never gave him a chance!

I think the icecream felt good on Jackson's teeth. He is currently cutting all 4 of his 2 year molars and he has been pretty miserable lately.It's so hard to watch him be in pain and not really be able to do anything for him. We are hoping they break through soon and we can be DONE with teething:)