Saturday, February 28, 2009

100% BOY!!

Jackson has been all boy since the day he was born. However, after a few weeks of being home with Daddy all day, I think he is getting wilder! Jackson's new favorite activity is pulling all the cushions off of the couch and diving into them. He also likes to do this on Mommy and Daddy's

Daddy and Precious like to get in on the action too. When Mommy isn't looking Jackson likes to climb up on the couch and jump headfirst from up there into his cushions. (I have a feeling this is ok when Mommy isn't home). I keep telling Jackson that he is going to turn my hair gray before he turns 2-he just laughs:)

Now he likes to dive into the dirty laundry on the floor as well, He says he is "helping Mommy".

I cannot wait for spring so he can run and play outside. I think we all have major cabin fever, it has been a long, cold winter.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Future Buckeye

Jackson is giving Matt high hopes that he will become a buckeye when he is older.
They have a lot of fun playing football and soccer.

Jackson loves to wear his buckeye gear and makes Daddy very happy when he says "go buckeyes!"

Mommy is hoping that Jackson will want to play baseball or golf-one of the "safer" sports. A scholarship would be great because I cannot imagine what college tuition will cost in 16 years!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Congratulations Aunt Carli & Uncle Joe!!

Aunt Carli and Uncle Joe were voted Toledo's best photographers in the Toledo City Paper!! We already knew they were, but now the whole city does too. Way to go Aunt Carli and Uncle Joe-
we are so proud of you!! (and thankful to receive your services at a family discount :)

Check them out at

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Heat Wave!!

Jackson has been enjoying his bonding time with Daddy home this week. This week was the first time ever that I went in to get him in the morning and he called for Dada. (Mommy almost cried, but I am so glad that Matt is getting this time to spend with Jackson.)

Cupcakes with Aunt Carli

We took a trip to Cake in a Cup (a cute little cupcake store) for Jackson's first cupcake. Jackson loved the cupcakes-we had to cut him off after 2!

Keith Wilkowski for Mayor!
Colin's Grandpa is running for mayor of Toledo. We got to hang out with Colin and his family at the campaign kick-off party.

Jackson and Colin say "Vote for Keith Wilkowski!"

Trip to the Zoo
We took full advantage of our mid-February heat wave (50 degrees!!!!) and headed out to the zoo to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine. It was so nice to actually see some grass for once. Gubbi, Cico, and Aunt Carli came with us to enjoy the weather.